Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Youtube singer Austin Jones pleads guilty to possessing child pornography

Earlier this week, Youtube singer Austin Jones pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography; a confession which will land him between 5 and 20 years jail time depending on his plea and how lenient the judge is with his case.

The news comes from claims in 2017 that he asked underage girls to send him explicit images and videos which included twerking and nudity. Further allegations began since as early as 2015 when an anonymous 15 year old girl made claims about his sexually inappropriate behaviour.
Since then, Jones denied the claims until this week, where he decided to plead guilty.

Jones currently has a Youtube channel with over 500,000 subscribers which was gained through his popular covers of pop songs. Combined with his good looks and talented voice, he quickly became an internet sensation.

In recent times, his Facebook account has been taken down from the site, yet Youtube are still yet to act on potentially banning his channel.
Regardless of what Youtube decide to do, one thing is for sure that his career is over and he will definitely be serving jail time until at least his 30's.

- Youtube Drama

Youtuber Eugenia Cooney sparks anorexia concerns

This story has recently gained more traction, but the truth is that if you have followed the story of Youtuber Eugenia Cooney, then you will know that there has been growing concerns about her health for some time now.

The Youtube personality is most famous for her vlogs which mostly feature beauty tips and cosplay-fashion videos. In short, she is like many other Youtube channels which focus on the beauty industry via vlogging.

However, her most recent video has generated a lot of attention, with the likes of Keemstar and Pewdiepie both mentioning it. Here, in a cosplay outfit she can be seen looking incredibly thin - and it is mostly assumed that this is down to anorexia.
In the video shown, you can see pictures of Cooney from several years back which show her with a fuller-face, whereas in todays pictures she is seen looking much more thin and gaunt.
Cooney has claimed for some time that she simply cannot put on weight and that it is not a concern...also stating that she is not a role model, i.e. her younger audience should not follow her lifestyle too seriously.

Whilst it is concerning to see her physical condition, it is at least heart-warming to see the Youtube community offer their support - as in an industry full of disses and name-calling, they have rallied round her asking for fans to help her and for Cooney to get help.

Whether Cooney will get help is completely up to her however and ultimately it would be her decision to do so, but it is nice to see fan support. As has been mentioned in some videos already, we just hope she gets help before it is too late.

- Youtube Drama