Monday, 20 May 2019

JaackMaate calls out Morgz

This week has seen the UK Youtube commentator JaackMaate go after fellow compatriot Morgz for his general cringe-inducing behaviour.

And it's not just Morgz who is being looked at, it's also his mother who is in on the Youtube cash-cow act, as she too has over 3 million subscribers and a healthy viewer count.

So, what is wrong with Morgz?
As highlighted by JaackMaate in his video, Morgz may be only be 17 years old but he is somewhat unbearable at times in front of the camera. For instance, his constant flexing in the 'Billionaire challenge' video is irritating at best. Not only this, but he also constantly shouts, has cheesy (un-ironic) sound affects, begs for subs, constantly plugs his merch and has awfully acted scripts which are blatantly made up.

For instance, Jaack shows a game by Morgz where he plays a game with is mother, where rolling a number 5 on the dice means a punishment. Of course that number is then landed on and his mother acts overly dramatic with her reaction.

This is typical of Morgz who has made millions of dollars from Youtube according to SocialBlade. But his antics don't stop there, as highlighted by fellow commentator Memelous, Morgz also did a joint video with his mother, here she hid in his hotel room whilst he started making out with his his mother was under the bed. You get the picture. Watch the video and see for yourselves, words probably won't do it justice.

- Youtube Drama

The James Charles vs Tati Westbrook saga...the story so far

So, last week was massive as far as Youtube Drama goes - and for good reason.

One of the sites biggest success stories, James Charles was called out on the platform by his former mentor, Tati Westbrook. For those not in the loop, Charles is a famous, gay make up artist with his own make up line and global celebrity status.
Westbrook is also from the beauty industry but is nearly 20 years older, at age 37...whereas Charles is still 19 years old.

In short, she made a Youtube video calling out Charles, claiming he was disloyal, not responding to her messages and also sexually inappropriate (apparently hitting on a straight waiter and also discussing sexual acts in front of Tati and his own parents at a dinner).

The result was absolutely massive. Within days Charles had nearly lost 2 million subscribers from the site and 'cancel culture' was in full effect. Not only this, but another long-time friend and collaborator of his, Jeffree Star had also cut ties with him.
In the meantime, Westbrook seemed to go from strength to strength, gaining millions of subscribers herself and gaining more popularity than she previously had - as she was mostly known within the beauty industry but not elsewhere.

Anyway, a few days back - Charles made a second video (the first was a typical, sobbing apology video). Here Charles hit back and shared text-messages between the two as 'proof' against the claims of Westbrook. In short, he claimed the waiter was bi and so it wasn't as sexually inappropriate; and also that he and Westbrook still had a solid, speaking relationship until recently.
Not only this, but one of her beefs was that he endorsed a nutrients company shortly after turning down a plug for one of her companies; to which she was saddened (although Charles claimed he did this merely to gain more anonymity at Coachella music festival.

Not only this, but since then Jeffree Star has since chimed in, claiming he also has dirt on Charles and that the latest James Charles video was not accurate.

At this point it is fairly unknown as to what will happen next, but there is probably more gossip around the corner as it doesn't seem finished.

What has also come to light is just how catty the beauty industry is and that fame is not always as it seems. For instance, on the one hand a grown woman going after a 19 year old seems quite harsh, but also the public image of Charles also seems less innocent than previously thought. In short, all parties involved will have lost some credibility as this plays out and more mud gets slung.

- Youtube Drama