Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Anita Sarkeesian vs Sargon of Akkad - the beef continues...part 1093

This week took yet another turn in the ongoing feud between Youtube critic Sargon of Akkad and feminist Anita Sarkeesian.
For those out of the loop, the beef began a few years ago when Sarkeesian controversially raised over $100,000 to critique video games with a feminist slant. This drew a response from Sargon of Akkad who claimed her ideas were poorly researched and relatively baseless.
It has all been covered before and probably won't be the end of their feud. In short, Sargon of Akkad is critical of Anita Sarkeesian's feminist critique on general society and culture, whilst she claims he constantly attacks feminism. It goes on and on.

Anyway, fast forward to Vidcon - this time Sarkeesian was on a 'women’s panel' panel giving a speech about why women's voices still needed to be heard. In other words, she was giving a feminist speech yet again. This time, she spotted her long-term rival Sargon of Akkad sitting in the front row. She then turned the critique towards him, calling him a 'shit head' and 'garbage human' in front of the audience.
Since the event, both individuals have continued their war of words - Sarkeesian basically saying that Sargon is harassing her and Sargon's point is that she is not open to reasonable debate or critique and constantly plays the victim (based on the Vidcon video, he may well have a point).

With this continuing, there is certainly some irony involved; both of them will probably disagree with each other until death, both of them claim the other one criticises the other one for attention and ironically every time one mentions the other, it creates more publicity for the pair of them. At this point it seems that neither individual is aware of the rolling story which keeps going in circles - they both hate each other and disagree immensely with their opposing ideas, but neither are willing to let it go. Something tells us, it will not be the last time these two clash.

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