Sunday, 29 October 2017

Logan Paul shows off new Maverick house...and it's massive.

This post is a little different from the usual, as there is little drama to be found here.
Instead, it is a chance to highlight the mega-success of Youtube star Logan Paul, and his new Maverick house/mansion. The video resembles something from MTV Cribs as Paul shows off his fancy sports cars, large garden, swimming pool, foyer and lift...amongst other things he also lists his future ambitions of housing exotic pets on his grounds - a move made famous in the film Scarface, which flashes extravagance throughout.

Overall, although this video maybe very vain and contrived it does also serve us a reminder of just how lucrative Youtube money can be. Obviously, Logan Paul is at the high-end of Youtube earnings and he may be some peoples least favourite douche bag, but nonetheless it is still impressive on a business level - and a quick estimation would put the house at anywhere from $2-8 million, proving the cash that he is pulling in right now is no joke.

At the same time, one does wonder whether the constant click-bait and dumbed down videos are truly worth it, as dignity is something which money can not be bought.

Check out the video for yourselves.

- Youtube Drama

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

iDubbbz, Content Deputy vs Ricegum

So, after our last story about Ricegum getting a Content Cop video critique from iDubbbz, quite a lot has happened.

The original iDubbbz video got wrongly taken down from Youtube, and put back up again, whilst Ricegum did his own response video to iDubbbz, trying to justify some of his behaviour, whilst also poking criticism towards iDubbbz.

In short, he claimed that some of his old humour, previously highlighted by iDubbbz was in the past, that iDubbbz used the 'N' word too much and that iDubbbz should have criticised PewDiePie.

All of these points are looked over in the new Content Deputy video, where once again iDubbbz picks apart Ricegum piece by piece in what is promised to be his last video on the subject.

Once again, it seems that Ricegum misses several key points and tries to make arguments which are based on very little, so iDubbbz quite easily wins this one.

Watch the video above.

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 6 October 2017

Ricegum responds to iDubbbz content cop...albeit tamely

Three days ago, iDubbbz dropped a Content Cop video on Youtube sensation Ricegum - here he criticized a lot about him, which has already been covered in our post about the subject.

Well, yesterday saw Ricegum respond, albeit the response was very tame with all things considered. In a video barely over 2 minutes in length, Ricegum seemed to brush off the issues and was attempting to play it cool - whilst having sly digs at iDubbbz, saying it took months of research (although, is this really an insult?).

Anyway, Ricegum concluded by saying he will be uploading a proper response video in the next few days. Of course, the video has already amassed nearly 5 million views which for a 2 minute video with little editing, must be adding nicely to Ricegum's bank account. Again, we covered this in the original post, but don't be surprised to see him put out a few videos on this, amounting to many, many views and money in return, as this is probably what Ricegum was after. Any publicity is good publicity, right?

In the mean time, Ricegum yet again showed his vanity when his friend in the video shoots a money-printing, Supreme-branded gun at him...whether this was ironic or not is unknown based on the past antics of Ricegum and his inability to spot irony. Stay posted for more updates, this one is only just getting started.

- Youtube Drama

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

iDubbbz Content Cop Vs Ricegum released

Around one year ago, controversial Youtube personality Ricegum made a video, stating that he felt that at some point, content critique iDubbbz would make a video on him.

Today, that prediction came true in grand fashion as iDubbbz did his first Content Cop in a while, which roasted Ricegum in true iDubbbz fashion.
For those out of the loop, Ricegum's Youtube mainly consists of high-end fashion (of which iDubbbz claims he was showing off, due to insecurity), call-outs and cheesy diss-songs (think Jake Paul, Jacob Sartorious etc...and the rest of the usual characters which will generate views).

Anyway, Ricegum predicted that iDubbbz would go after his previous high-school photos for embarrassment, but that would have been too easy.
In the 30 minute clip, iDubbbz attacked Ricegum based on his hypocrisy in regards to evading peoples privacy, his 'flexing' nature which belittled homeless people, his cheesy rap songs and most of all his ridiculous ego. For instance, Ricegum genuinely thought he was good at music, whereas the clips in the video prove otherwise. Another example shows Ricegum calling out Youtuber's for bragging about views...whilst un-ironically bragging about his own superior views. You get the point, and over the 30 minutes it becomes more clear that Ricegum seems fairly soulless, deluded and genuinely unaware of his situation.

Check the video out now, and wait for the obligatory response from Ricegum who will no doubt use this as a chance to further enhance his reputation with a reply at some point.

- Youtube Drama