Tuesday, 3 October 2017

iDubbbz Content Cop Vs Ricegum released

Around one year ago, controversial Youtube personality Ricegum made a video, stating that he felt that at some point, content critique iDubbbz would make a video on him.

Today, that prediction came true in grand fashion as iDubbbz did his first Content Cop in a while, which roasted Ricegum in true iDubbbz fashion.
For those out of the loop, Ricegum's Youtube mainly consists of high-end fashion (of which iDubbbz claims he was showing off, due to insecurity), call-outs and cheesy diss-songs (think Jake Paul, Jacob Sartorious etc...and the rest of the usual characters which will generate views).

Anyway, Ricegum predicted that iDubbbz would go after his previous high-school photos for embarrassment, but that would have been too easy.
In the 30 minute clip, iDubbbz attacked Ricegum based on his hypocrisy in regards to evading peoples privacy, his 'flexing' nature which belittled homeless people, his cheesy rap songs and most of all his ridiculous ego. For instance, Ricegum genuinely thought he was good at music, whereas the clips in the video prove otherwise. Another example shows Ricegum calling out Youtuber's for bragging about views...whilst un-ironically bragging about his own superior views. You get the point, and over the 30 minutes it becomes more clear that Ricegum seems fairly soulless, deluded and genuinely unaware of his situation.

Check the video out now, and wait for the obligatory response from Ricegum who will no doubt use this as a chance to further enhance his reputation with a reply at some point.

- Youtube Drama

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