Monday, 24 July 2017

Jake Paul 'dropped' from Disney? Plus Team 10 house gets swatted

Late last week, news broke that Disney and Jake Paul parted ways and Jake Paul's contract was mutually terminated...midway during shooting for a new season. Which may mean he was dropped by Disney and many people are saying that is the case.

The controversial Youtube personality may have been dropped because of his recent public image, which includes battling against his neighbours with regards to turning his neighbourhood into a 'warzone' (quoted from an interviewed neighbour) - in short, his video antics are attracting too many fans and burning a massive fire in his back yard certainly didn't go down well with the locals.

Anyway, according to some - this resulted in him being dropped by the Disney channel, where he played a character called Dirk on a show called Bizaardvark. According to Jake Paul however, he quit due to pursuing other areas of his career, such as his Youtube channel and businesses.

Not only this, but the month of July only seems to be getting crazier for Jake Paul, as his residence at the Team 10 house got swatted which would not have been a nice experience, however Jake Paul himself was absent during the SWAT raid, although many of his housemates were present.

Overall this shows the chaos surrounding the life of Jake Paul at the moment, and it seems to be only getting crazier as Youtube news mogul Keemstar claims there will be big news breaking about him by the end of the week.

- Youtube Drama

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