Monday, 10 July 2017

DaddyOFive returns to Youtube (As does MommyOFive)

Two days ago, controversial Youtube user DaddyOFive's channel made its first video in months.
With no actual footage or real audio (other than a rock instrumental), the channel announced it would be returning shortly, whilst also advertising its sister channels, DaddyOFive Gaming and MommyOFive.

Whilst on the subject of MommyOFive, it seems that channel is now fully active, with almost daily videos - still attracting hundreds of thousands of views per video. Funnily enough, the dislike ratio is not too bad either, with roughly a 70-30 like ratio in favour of each video (generally speaking).
In other words, it seems a large chunk of the Youtube community has either forgotten or forgiven the seemingly cruel acts of DaddyOFive and his wife.

For those out of the loop, the channel gained notoriety several months back when it was accused of child abuse, where the father physically and mentally bullied his children, supposedly to gain more Youtube views and therefore revenue. Following on from this, some of the children were taken away by the authorities and the case for child neglect is on-going.
However, based on the past view videos - it seems that DaddyOFive is fairly optimistic about continuing his Youtube career.
With this one, it seems time will tell as the story is set to continue...

- Youtube Drama

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