Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Spanish Youtuber ReSet jailed and fined €20,000 for homeless Youtube prank

Two years back, a Spanish Youtube creator named ReSet did a prank involving a homeless man, in the prank he gave him Oreos which were filled with toothpaste instead of the typical sugary filling. Allegedly, this caused the homeless man to vomit and arguably more importantly it would have caused humiliation for the victim too.

This week, a judge in Barcelona sentenced ReSet to 15 months in jail, as well as being fined €20,000 and also a 5 year social media ban - which means no Youtube for 5 years.
In terms of Youtube shame, this is pretty out there for some of the low things people will do for views - and also proves that pranks can have negative effects on the victims when they are created.
It also sets a precedent in Spain for pranksters to think twice about their actions, but sadly this isn't the first time a Youtube creator has gone to prison for a prank...and probably won't be the last either.

For those wondering, the original video has long since been deleted from the platform.

- Youtube Drama

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