Tuesday 11 July 2017

New, previously unseen footage of Hugh Mungus vs Zarna Joshi debate

Back in 2016, the 'Hugh Mungus' story broke on Youtube and created debate and interest amongst its audience. Here the video showed a man asked his name, responding with a classic, cheesy joke "Hugh...Mungus", as in 'humongous'. The interviewer, from behind the camera immediately started screaming that it he had sexually harassed her due to his response.

The internet generally sided with Mr Hugh Mungus, also known as Rudy Pantoja who since did interviews and appeared as a pretty cool, laid back guy (the same could not be said for Zarna Joshi, who appeared aggressive and unreasonable).

Anyway, the beef has long since, settled. That was until recently when new footage was released prior to the confrontation.
The back story is that Pantoja was at a local, public gathering where members of the community could give reasons for or against a new police station being built in the area. It is revealed by Pantoja that he was in favour of the new building as he claimed the local police force had helped his daughter overcome her heroin addiction.
Anyway, at this point a member of the audience (possibly Joshi), asks whether his daughter is white, to which he replies that his daughter is Latino...(the point being, that perhaps his daughter would somehow be favourably treated by the police if she was white skinned).

Afterwards, after this an audible scream is let loose and Pantoja is rudely interrupted and heckled throughout. Afterwards, Joshi gives her opinion on the platform, claiming that the police are a racist gang and therefore do not deserve further funding.

In summary, this new video gives further insight into the Hugh Mungus saga, and that Pantoja really is a nice guy, whereas Joshi seems even more detestable and childish in her approach to differing opinions.

- Youtube Drama

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