Monday, 24 July 2017

Jake Paul 'dropped' from Disney? Plus Team 10 house gets swatted

Late last week, news broke that Disney and Jake Paul parted ways and Jake Paul's contract was mutually terminated...midway during shooting for a new season. Which may mean he was dropped by Disney and many people are saying that is the case.

The controversial Youtube personality may have been dropped because of his recent public image, which includes battling against his neighbours with regards to turning his neighbourhood into a 'warzone' (quoted from an interviewed neighbour) - in short, his video antics are attracting too many fans and burning a massive fire in his back yard certainly didn't go down well with the locals.

Anyway, according to some - this resulted in him being dropped by the Disney channel, where he played a character called Dirk on a show called Bizaardvark. According to Jake Paul however, he quit due to pursuing other areas of his career, such as his Youtube channel and businesses.

Not only this, but the month of July only seems to be getting crazier for Jake Paul, as his residence at the Team 10 house got swatted which would not have been a nice experience, however Jake Paul himself was absent during the SWAT raid, although many of his housemates were present.

Overall this shows the chaos surrounding the life of Jake Paul at the moment, and it seems to be only getting crazier as Youtube news mogul Keemstar claims there will be big news breaking about him by the end of the week.

- Youtube Drama

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Aussie Youtube beef - Lewis Spears accuses Ozzymanreviews of 'taking content and concepts for cash'

If you're aware of the Youtube community down under, then you will know of both Lewis Spears and Ozzymanreviews.
Lewis Spears is a stand-up comedian who also does call-out/reaction style views in a similar tone of H3H3 productions, whilst Ozzymanreviews is a very different channel, giving stereotypical Australian commentary to viral clips. Briefly putting it, that is what their respected channels are based around.

So today, Lewis Spears accused Ozzyman of 'taking content and concepts for cash', which was the name of his latest video.
The issue began when a Spears video was featured on Ozzyman's blog which apparently didn't credit Spears, whilst Ozzyman profited from the page through ad-revenue. However, it should be known that the page did embed the original video, meaning viewers could access the Lewis Spears Youtube channel - albeit this was quite tricky to access.

Nonetheless, Spears wanted credit and asked for this on Twitter, where Ozzyman replied saying Spears was a 'cyber bully' (whether this was genuinely ironic is up for debate - however Spears took it badly). Anyway, as a result, Spears released a video claiming that Ozzyman took his entire image and style from Alex Williamson, who pioneered the 'bogan' commentary style. He also added that Ozzyman's videos were merely talking over viral videos, which you could argue is the entire point.

Either way, it seems the truth is somewhere in the middle. Of course, Spears could have been more openly credited in the original blog post, but his criticism of Ozzyman also seems quite harsh, as his videos probably aren't too original, but then again most ideas are never fully unique. See the Spears video for more information.

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 21 July 2017

Team 10's Jake Paul facing jail time over California eavesdropping laws

The ever controversial Jake Paul is back yet again, as his infamy threatens to seriously harm his career, and possibly even his freedom.

This week has not been good for Jake Paul, as a local news reporter did a piece, saying that Paul's neighbours were not happy about his loutish behaviour and were considering legal advice.

In short, Jake Paul had put up the Team 10 houses address on Google, which means a constant influx of screaming fans are now present in the neighbourhood. Added to this, his childish antics, such as setting a large fire in his back yard has meant that his neighbours are not pleased. One even said he had turned the neighbourhood into 'hell'.

This was not the main issue of the week however, as Jake Paul decided to apologise to his neighbours...but he also secretly filmed his apology which is apparently illegal in California and can lead to a year in jail or a fine of around $2500. Following on from this, it has been reported locally that one of the neighbours is pressing charges for this act of illegal eavesdropping which could land Paul in jail.

It seems Jake Paul's reckless behaviour may finally be catching up with him and possibly house eviction is now the least of his worries.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

New footage shows IG 'Model' Christian Burns try to stab house mate

A few weeks back, Instagram 'model' Christian Burns created controversy with his treatment of a Vidcon security guard (we did a piece on it here:

In short, the self-entitled model went off on a hate-fuelled rant against a security guard who was seemingly just doing his job, calling him ugly and a 'peasant'. It has since gone against Burns who publicly apologised, lost his model contract, is supposedly broke and has had a tirade of internet hate against him. To add to the irony, the security guards Instagram followers have now surpassed 100k, which is significantly more than that of Burns, who bragged towards the security guard in the video of his legions of followers (said to be around 20k at the time).

Anyway, if things were bad for Burns, they're now much worse as new footage was recently leaked of him allegedly trying to attack a house mate with a knife. The footage shows people shouting, with Burns being mounted and restrained on a bed until he calms down. Oddly, many of the house mates seem to be laughing at the incident as if it was not dangerous. However, this looked quite serious and shows further insight into the mind of Burns.

On a more positive not for Burns, it seems his Youtube channel is trying to break ground with generic vlogging videos as it seems he is now trying to cash out on his infamy. Whether this works is debatable, but due to his controversial behaviour this may not be the last we hear of the troubled personality.

- Youtube Drama

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

New, previously unseen footage of Hugh Mungus vs Zarna Joshi debate

Back in 2016, the 'Hugh Mungus' story broke on Youtube and created debate and interest amongst its audience. Here the video showed a man asked his name, responding with a classic, cheesy joke "Hugh...Mungus", as in 'humongous'. The interviewer, from behind the camera immediately started screaming that it he had sexually harassed her due to his response.

The internet generally sided with Mr Hugh Mungus, also known as Rudy Pantoja who since did interviews and appeared as a pretty cool, laid back guy (the same could not be said for Zarna Joshi, who appeared aggressive and unreasonable).

Anyway, the beef has long since, settled. That was until recently when new footage was released prior to the confrontation.
The back story is that Pantoja was at a local, public gathering where members of the community could give reasons for or against a new police station being built in the area. It is revealed by Pantoja that he was in favour of the new building as he claimed the local police force had helped his daughter overcome her heroin addiction.
Anyway, at this point a member of the audience (possibly Joshi), asks whether his daughter is white, to which he replies that his daughter is Latino...(the point being, that perhaps his daughter would somehow be favourably treated by the police if she was white skinned).

Afterwards, after this an audible scream is let loose and Pantoja is rudely interrupted and heckled throughout. Afterwards, Joshi gives her opinion on the platform, claiming that the police are a racist gang and therefore do not deserve further funding.

In summary, this new video gives further insight into the Hugh Mungus saga, and that Pantoja really is a nice guy, whereas Joshi seems even more detestable and childish in her approach to differing opinions.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 10 July 2017

DaddyOFive returns to Youtube (As does MommyOFive)

Two days ago, controversial Youtube user DaddyOFive's channel made its first video in months.
With no actual footage or real audio (other than a rock instrumental), the channel announced it would be returning shortly, whilst also advertising its sister channels, DaddyOFive Gaming and MommyOFive.

Whilst on the subject of MommyOFive, it seems that channel is now fully active, with almost daily videos - still attracting hundreds of thousands of views per video. Funnily enough, the dislike ratio is not too bad either, with roughly a 70-30 like ratio in favour of each video (generally speaking).
In other words, it seems a large chunk of the Youtube community has either forgotten or forgiven the seemingly cruel acts of DaddyOFive and his wife.

For those out of the loop, the channel gained notoriety several months back when it was accused of child abuse, where the father physically and mentally bullied his children, supposedly to gain more Youtube views and therefore revenue. Following on from this, some of the children were taken away by the authorities and the case for child neglect is on-going.
However, based on the past view videos - it seems that DaddyOFive is fairly optimistic about continuing his Youtube career.
With this one, it seems time will tell as the story is set to continue...

- Youtube Drama

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Youtube prankster shot dead by girlfriend in 'shooting prank' gone horribly wrong

This week, a Youtube prankster named Pedro Ruiz III was shot dead by his long-term girlfriend, Monalisa Perez.

The couple agreed to do a 'shooting prank' which involved Perez firing a gun at Ruiz III's chest, which he covered and protected with a large book. According to Ruiz III he had tried this before with a similar book where the bullet did not fully penetrate the book.

Anyway, this time the stunt went wrong when the bullet ripped through the book and into Ruiz III's chest, providing a fatal shot. Since then, Perez has been charged with manslaughter and may face up to 10 years in jail for killing her boyfriend. The couple have a child together and Perez is currently pregnant with Ruiz III's baby, which only adds to the tragedy.

This tragic story serves as a reminder that Youtube pranks can go badly wrong if done incorrectly and sometimes the ad-revenue is simply not worth risking your health. Perez will hear her fate over the next few weeks as to whether she is jailed or not, whilst Ruiz's family say they support her and acknowledge it as an accident.