For several months now, strange things have been happening on Youtube, but it wasn't until this week that they got exposed on a worldwide scale. Specifically, we're talking about the 'Elsagate' scandal which is still surrounded by a number of different conspiracy theories and mystery.
First, an explanation of 'Elsagate' is needed. The term is used to describe graphic videos which are aimed towards children - these can feature real children, but are mostly animated using computer graphics or claymotion. These videos often feature characters such as Spiderman or Elsa, hence the name.
Instead of being child-friendly, they are everything but. Often they have graphic, extreme themes such as scat, BDSM and other fetish porn, some even have connotations of paedophilia.
The odd thing is that these videos are in their thousands, some of them are from popular Youtube channels with millions of followers; some of the videos get tens of millions of views and are being shown to very young children. So, imagine your child gets hold of a tablet and searches for 'Spiderman' on Youtube. It is innocent enough, until they find one of these videos which features sickening content.
Anyway, that is the problem of Elsagate - which Youtube are now trying to tackle, having originally being slow on the uptake, they are now in the process of banning videos and removing controversial channels.
The next issue is why these videos exist in the first place.
The most easy explanation is money; some videos get lots of views, which equals very good add revenue. But this still doesn't answer why the videos are so disgusting? Surely they would get good views without being so graphic?
Well, perhaps not. Some speculate that their views come from paedophiles who get off on watching the sickening material; some also speculate that it is used as mass propaganda from a greater force to brainwash millions of children.
We can all agree that the creators of such videos have some kind of deviant purpose - and blaming it on 'money' seems lazy at this stage. The next step is whether these videos are part of some kind of network, or merely lone-oddballs working for themselves.
So, it's gotten into the realms of conspiracy theories, but quite frankly it is truly bizarre and right now, none of the theories should be disregarded, as it's clear that there is some kind of sick motive behind pushing such shocking content onto children.
Hopefully Youtube is successful in cleaning up these videos and can return to a safer place for its content watchers of all ages.
- Youtube Drama
So youtubes algorithms sucks but i hope they could increase security on their system or making a high profile algorithm