Thursday, 16 November 2017

Youtube star Zoella gets old, 'offensive' tweets exposed and apologises

This week, it unfolded that British Youtube star Zoella had previously tweeted some mean and possibly offensive stuff nearly 8 years back. We will get to this later, but it also means that someone went back nearly 8 years on her timeline and dug through her past.

Anyway, posting as a then-20-year-old, Zoella called someone a 'fat chav' whilst watching the TV show 'The X-Factor', someone a 'tramp' for wondering why designer clothes are expensive, and also said gay men weren't macho when spitting on the floor.

These tweets were revealed this week and have since prompted an apology from Zoella who said she doesn't speak like that anymore, and that she made mistakes in the past.

Overall, her apology can be classed as typical, cliched and stereotypical for this day and age - as she will obviously try to cling to her squeeky-clean image. And of course her tweets were offensive and judgemental to put it nicely.

Time will tell if this affects her Youtube career, as she has built an image based on being nice.

- Youtube Drama

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