Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Memelous gets copyright claim on video from 'The Unknown vlogs'

Earlier this week we featured a story with British Youtuber, Memelous. It was a short video highlighting a cringe-worthy vlogger who was constantly trying to flex and prove his worth...

Anyway, this is a common feature of the Memelous channel; bashing corny Youtube personalities for laughs.
This week however things got more serious, as Memelous released a video which claimed his channel could potentially be taken down from Youtube as it breached a copyright rule. Several months back he covered a Youtuber called 'The Unknown vlogs' which was a fashion vlog, where Memelous called him out for showing off overly-expensive clothing on mostly teenagers...overall it was everything wrong with the whole flexing culture; a bunch of rich kids trying to look edgy and arrogant.

Fast forward to this week and Memelous' video has been hit with a copyright claim from The Unknown vlogs and Studio 71 (a Youtube partner company). Basically, they are arguing that he unfairly used their content without permission, whereas Memelous is arguing that it was used in context of the 'fair use act' which enables people to feature other videos under the lines of criticism (there is a difference for example with straight ripping another video - and doing a reaction video which is seen as fair use)...or not in this case.

Two appeals later and Memelous has been denied his video from Youtube. He now has to remove the video or it is removed via a copyright strike which is more serious, meaning two more could get his banned removed completely, and therefore lose his job and income.

This is a classic example of how Youtube's policies aren't seemingly as black and white as they seem, and yet again another Youtube critique/reaction video personality is being hit with successful copyright claims.

- Youtube Drama

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

British Youtube beef...Memelous calls out Jake Mitchell

Serial Youtuber-critic Memelous is at it again, this time calling out 'flexer' Jake Mitchell for his general cringy videos and overall image.
In this video, Memelous mostly laughs at his at attempts to make a music career as well as his cliched fashion sense which includes Gucci hats, man-bags and snap-backs. To complete the look, Mitchell often accompanies this on Instagram which even more cliches such as fire and 100 emojis.

For the most part however, Memelous focuses on the music side of things, where Mitchell claims to have made songs in a studio. This wouldn't be too odd but it seems that literally every Youtube personality is now getting in on the act and producing their own brand of mediocre-at-best music.

Calling him a wannabe 'English Jake Paul', Memelous goes in like usual on Mitchell who is yet to respond...as yet another hype-beast is called out for their contrived, over-hyped videos and stereotypical persona.

- Youtube Drama

H3H3 vs Ricegum beef continues...

Starting in early 2019, prominent Youtuber H3H3 took shots at Ricegum for promoting an online gambling service where users could spend real money to win real items online, by paying to open a digital box, where prizes could be won from a couple of dollars up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This is not the first time loot crate-style gambling has been promoted by famous Youtube members and is a cause of controversy as these can entice young children into gambling, which could result in a lifetime of gambling addiction.

The original video (uploaded a few weeks back) also featured Jake Paul doing the same promotion, so it is not the first time that H3H3 has gone after either Youtuber for their schemes.

Anyway, whilst Jake Paul has not yet responded - Ricegum has which was quite typical as he seems to love controversy and the infamy it brings.

Replying in his own video, Ricegum mostly insulted H3's Hila Klein who he called 'monotone Monica', based on her lack of emotion in her voice. Overall the response felt a bit of a cheap shot but probably worked in terms of getting a response...which is what Ethan Klein has done just yesterday.

In the video he further addresses Ricegum's controversies as well as an ironic diss song which Ricegum is known for doing himself.

Overall the beef seems a bit petty, especially with insults being flung at a pregnant woman. Watch the video and make your own mind up.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Ace Family in sex shop scandal...WTF?

Two days back a Twitter video emerged which was creepy and inappropriate to say the least.

The father from the Youtube couple, "The Ace Family" - also known as Austin McBroom was shown in a video with what may have been his daughter in a sex-shop, where the child (around 5 years old) is seen with a phallic shaped, rainbow lollipop.

According to Youtube guru Keemstar, the child was actually his wife’s younger sister...which is still totally weird and bizarre and has since raised the question, why the hell would you take a young child into a sex shop? It is completely inappropriate and as of right now, the Ace Family have yet to respond to those questioning the video.

The clip was leaked on Twitter and probably won't be on Youtube due to it being against the websites violation policy. However, it can still probably be found on Twitter.

In 2019, it is well established that many Youtube stars are a bit odd and will seemingly do anything for views, but this is something more unusual and disgusting than usual. Hopefully The Ace video will comment, but often with celebrity Youtubers, scandals are too often swept under the rug and moved on with haste.

- Youtube Drama