Two days back a Twitter video emerged which was creepy and inappropriate to say the least.
The father from the Youtube couple, "The Ace Family" - also known as Austin McBroom was shown in a video with what may have been his daughter in a sex-shop, where the child (around 5 years old) is seen with a phallic shaped, rainbow lollipop.
According to Youtube guru Keemstar, the child was actually his wife’s younger sister...which is still totally weird and bizarre and has since raised the question, why the hell would you take a young child into a sex shop? It is completely inappropriate and as of right now, the Ace Family have yet to respond to those questioning the video.
The clip was leaked on Twitter and probably won't be on Youtube due to it being against the websites violation policy. However, it can still probably be found on Twitter.
In 2019, it is well established that many Youtube stars are a bit odd and will seemingly do anything for views, but this is something more unusual and disgusting than usual. Hopefully The Ace video will comment, but often with celebrity Youtubers, scandals are too often swept under the rug and moved on with haste.
- Youtube Drama
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