Wednesday, 23 January 2019

British Youtube beef...Memelous calls out Jake Mitchell

Serial Youtuber-critic Memelous is at it again, this time calling out 'flexer' Jake Mitchell for his general cringy videos and overall image.
In this video, Memelous mostly laughs at his at attempts to make a music career as well as his cliched fashion sense which includes Gucci hats, man-bags and snap-backs. To complete the look, Mitchell often accompanies this on Instagram which even more cliches such as fire and 100 emojis.

For the most part however, Memelous focuses on the music side of things, where Mitchell claims to have made songs in a studio. This wouldn't be too odd but it seems that literally every Youtube personality is now getting in on the act and producing their own brand of mediocre-at-best music.

Calling him a wannabe 'English Jake Paul', Memelous goes in like usual on Mitchell who is yet to yet another hype-beast is called out for their contrived, over-hyped videos and stereotypical persona.

- Youtube Drama

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