Sunday, 18 August 2019

Pyrocynical looks at the invasion of Reddit videos on Youtube

It's been a growing trend recently on Youtube and one you may have noticed. That is, the invasion of Reddit-themed videos which have taken over the platform.
Now, Youtuber Pyrocynical has made a video addressing the situation whilst calling out the Reddit video makers for being lazy and milking the current fad.

So, what is a Reddit video? In short, it's typically a 5 minute video which has screenshots of Reddit questions, i.e. "What is your worst childhood memory?" - where the video then proceeds to show responses, which again is done via screenshots. Usually these videos don't have human audio and are instead done via speech to text software which sounds robotic and obscure.
Basically, these videos can be whipped up in a couple of minutes and can literally get millions of views albeit the fad is now becoming over-saturated.

He also mentions Minecraft channels and flexing videos which have not-so-subtle placements of designer get the picture.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Logan Paul releases cringey movie, Airplane Mode

In a strange turn of events Logan Paul recently released a movie called Airplane Mode. Judging by the trailer this film is kind of like a poor-mans take on the comedy classic, Airplane - where havoc is wreaked on an airplane flight with a number of wild guests (or in this case Z-list celebrities and Youtube creators).

Instead of the originality of Airplane, Airplane Mode just looks like yet another low budget Youtube movie with little substance. The main IMDB user review sums it up with a 1/10 rating, commenting: Its like they somehow distilled the very essence of cancer and then transformed it into video.

Yikes, so there you have it - yet another money spinner from one of the Paul brothers. However, interestingly this movie was actually filmed in 2016 and has been known about for a while so why it was just released is an odd thing. Since then a number of commentary Youtubers have reviewed the film branding it awful with cheesy slapstick and dated, unoriginal humour and one-liners; and as of now it can still be seen on Youtube as an account has the full flick up to watch (if you dare).

One thing is for certain however, Logan will be making bank from this one way or another - and it's not like it can really harm his reputation at this point as he's been in a string of dodgy movies and acting roles for a while now.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 12 August 2019

WillNE rips into Morgz Mum

For those wondering, Morgz is a very popular UK Youtube creator with over 10 million subs. His videos mostly involve 'challenges' and 'pranks' which feature his parents and cheesy over-the-top acting, where the winner can win an expensive prize.
Known for his shouting, blatantly scripting dialogue and constant plugging of his merch, it's odd to many as to why his appeal is so big...but it is.

Anyway, his mother (known as Big Jill) is also in on the act with her own channel, featuring a healthy 3.2 million subs which provides similar, corny content (one would guess their target audience is mostly kids who buy into it).

So today Youtube critique WillNE decided to release a video bashing Morgz Mum and her channel which featured clips of one of her latest videos, a challenge video about staying in a bedroom for hours. Here WillNE laughs at their terrible acting, more merch plugging, their perceived wealth and the absurdity of the situation, such as how Morgz dad (known as Bald Martin...because he's bald) got roped into the arrangement. Indeed, it is odd to see a working class, northern man in his 50's doing weird Youtube videos.

But anyway, it's all in good taste and WillNE isn't being poisonous here or anything. If anything it's almost a homage to the whole Morgz family who seem to have done very well financially out of their Youtube setup. So here's to the future of Morgz and his ironically awful content.

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 9 August 2019

Youtuber Brooke Houts investigated by LAPD over alleged dog abuse video

*Video may be removed by Youtube

Last week the Los Angeles Youtube creator Brooke Houts accidentally uploaded a video clip of her being abusive to her pet, a Doberman puppy. In the video she can be seem shoving, pushing and even spitting on the poor dog as it playfully tries to gain her attention. Not only this, but the dog physically flinches when approached by her hand movements showing a fearful response by the canine.
What makes it worse is that in between clips, she tries to present to the video in a friendly, wholesome image which is the exact opposite to her behaviour towards her pet.

In short, she looks frustrated with the pup as it gets in the way of her filming a new video. PETA have since chimed in claiming she shouldn't have a dog if she cannot look after it, and the Youtube community have condemned her behaviour.
Now it seems to have gone further as the LAPD have also launched an investigation into animal abuse which is clearly visible in the footage.

What makes things even worse is her videos recently have a few features of the dog and show her treating it with respect. At least the one positive from the episode is perhaps it will end the abuse to the dog which could have potentially lasted for years. Her latest which has over 1 million views has a 4k like to 143k dislike ratio which speaks volumes.

- Youtube Drama

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Youtube Ingham Family sell reborn doll of their newborn baby as

Over the years we've seen plenty of unusual stuff done on Youtube, mostly in the name of making some quick cash.
It only only two weeks back that we featured Belle Delphine and the monetizing of her bath water and sadly if you think that is weird, then this is even weirder.

The Ingham family have started selling reborn doll versions of their newborn son - which must take the prize as the weirdest form of merch ever.
The doll can be purchased here in its life-like glory for a minimum of £279: Ingham baby merch
As seen it's not cheap and the top comment on their Youtube video sums up a lot of the feelings surrounding the idea, as 'Vegan fit mumma' puts it "Sorry that's odd and very creepy just enjoy your baby instead of making strange dolls of him to sell Hmmm Thinking about the cash I think". Similar comments follow in condemning it as strange - mostly on the grounds that it looks like money-grabbing at your child's expense, importantly without their consent. At the same time The Ingham Family are claiming it's for the future benefit of their baby, but most viewers disagree branding it as greedy, odd and even morbid.

- YoutubeDrama

Friday, 2 August 2019

iDubbbz releases documentary, Full Force

Usually iDubbbz can be found un-boxing unusual items or critiquing dodgy Youtubers. This week he dropped his first documentay, 'Full Force'.

Based on the Detroit Youtube creator Airsoftfatty, iDubbbz flew out to meet the man and basically follow him around for a few days. The result was quite interesting.
For those wondering, Airsoftfatty is a 24 year old creator who is known mostly for two things. Firstly he is very obese and looks physically quite bizarre. Secondly he makes cringe-worthy videos with his friends which typically involve Star Wars lightsaber battles.

Anyway, the documentary was actually quite entertaining considering it doesn't sound like there would actually be much content to put into nearly 50 minutes. In fairness to iDubbbz he also comes across quite sincere, balancing his own cringe at the situation with genuine intrigue and empathy.
For instance, there are a few touching moments throughout such as when Airsoftfatty meets an old friend who he fell out with and they briefly make a truce, or when the documentary closes; showing Airsfoftfatty as a kind of happy soul who lives care free.

So, if you like Youtube culture then this is definitely one to watch.

- YoutubeDrama