Sunday, 18 August 2019

Pyrocynical looks at the invasion of Reddit videos on Youtube

It's been a growing trend recently on Youtube and one you may have noticed. That is, the invasion of Reddit-themed videos which have taken over the platform.
Now, Youtuber Pyrocynical has made a video addressing the situation whilst calling out the Reddit video makers for being lazy and milking the current fad.

So, what is a Reddit video? In short, it's typically a 5 minute video which has screenshots of Reddit questions, i.e. "What is your worst childhood memory?" - where the video then proceeds to show responses, which again is done via screenshots. Usually these videos don't have human audio and are instead done via speech to text software which sounds robotic and obscure.
Basically, these videos can be whipped up in a couple of minutes and can literally get millions of views albeit the fad is now becoming over-saturated.

He also mentions Minecraft channels and flexing videos which have not-so-subtle placements of designer get the picture.

- Youtube Drama

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