Sunday, 4 August 2019

Youtube Ingham Family sell reborn doll of their newborn baby as

Over the years we've seen plenty of unusual stuff done on Youtube, mostly in the name of making some quick cash.
It only only two weeks back that we featured Belle Delphine and the monetizing of her bath water and sadly if you think that is weird, then this is even weirder.

The Ingham family have started selling reborn doll versions of their newborn son - which must take the prize as the weirdest form of merch ever.
The doll can be purchased here in its life-like glory for a minimum of £279: Ingham baby merch
As seen it's not cheap and the top comment on their Youtube video sums up a lot of the feelings surrounding the idea, as 'Vegan fit mumma' puts it "Sorry that's odd and very creepy just enjoy your baby instead of making strange dolls of him to sell Hmmm Thinking about the cash I think". Similar comments follow in condemning it as strange - mostly on the grounds that it looks like money-grabbing at your child's expense, importantly without their consent. At the same time The Ingham Family are claiming it's for the future benefit of their baby, but most viewers disagree branding it as greedy, odd and even morbid.

- YoutubeDrama

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