Friday, 26 July 2019

Overly attached girlfriend creator quits Youtube

Yesterday a shock announcement video was released by Youtuber Laina Morris - who declared that she was leaving the platform.
Her channel, Laina has over 1 million subscribers and she grew her popularity from creating the 'Overly attached girlfriend' meme which was a response to Justin Biebers 'Girlfriend' song; here she was pictured staring menacingly into the camera which was the basis of the funny/creepy meme.

Anyway, most of her videos followed the vlogging format and she racked up over 160 million views but stopped consistently uploading two years ago, and did little since then.
Her latest quitting video explained how she was suffering from anxiety and depression and that she thanked her fans for their support, getting tearful towards the end.

Hopefully Laina gets better and leads a happy life, but also one thing which seems to be growing with the Youtube community is the theme of anxiety and depression which sparks a wider debate as to whether the platform can actually have a bad affect on a creators health, especially when dealing with issues such as trolling or the obscurity of overnight fame. Recently Etika killed himself at age 29 for instance in an act which shocked millions.

- Youtube Drama

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