Monday, 8 July 2019

Youtuber Vito vapes Belle Delphine's used bathwater

It seems that 2019 is going to be Belle Delphine's year as she is once again making the headlines for all the weird reasons.

This time a Youtube creator by the name of Vito has created a video where he vapes her used bathwater. This comes a week after she was selling jars of the stuff for £24 on the internet and sold out in just two days.
Well the hype train is still going and now it seems Vito is cashing in with a clickbait title "I vaped Belle Delphine's Bathwater" which does what it if you want to see a neckbeard vaping used bathwater then this is the video for you.

In all seriousness though the video is done quite well and is more of a parody rather than some creepy weirdness and he even phones his father to add to the awkward tension.
Stay tuned for more stories as knowing Belle Delphine the next scandal will be just around the corner.

- Youtube Drama

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