Saturday, 20 July 2019

Shane Dawson returns with 1 hour documentary interview with Eugenia Cooney about her eating disorder

Yesterday Youtube documentary maker and generally good guy Shane Dawson returned to the site after a 5 month absence from posting any videos on his channel.

The video maker presented a 1 hour documentary discussing the saga around fellow Youtuber Eugenia Cooney and her battle with her eating disorder.
Here he discussed the nature of her battle and then interviewed her at her house. Overall the documentary is very well made and tasteful throughout, as Dawson appears genuinely concerned for his friend whilst providing an insight into her condition. This allows Cooney to open up and show what she went through over the years of her battle.

Perhaps the saddest part of the documentary is the highlighting of online trolling which was a daily thing for Cooney to endure, where she would constantly get abusive comments in her videos based around her eating disorder; many of the comments recommending her to die etc.

However, overall the documentary has a positive and wholesome message that Cooney is now doing much better after a stint in rehab and is in a more positive mental and physical place.
On another note, it is nice to see a friendly story on Youtube for a change, at a time where drama often means easy views whereas this video clearly has a lot of thought and sincerity gone into it which helps raise awareness of the sensitive issue. Here's to Shane Dawson who once again has shown himself as an upstanding man and hopefully he continues to do so with similar videos in the future.

- Youtube Drama

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