Tuesday, 21 November 2017

The biggest Youtube scandal of them all? Elsagate explained

For several months now, strange things have been happening on Youtube, but it wasn't until this week that they got exposed on a worldwide scale. Specifically, we're talking about the 'Elsagate' scandal which is still surrounded by a number of different conspiracy theories and mystery.

First, an explanation of 'Elsagate' is needed. The term is used to describe graphic videos which are aimed towards children - these can feature real children, but are mostly animated using computer graphics or claymotion. These videos often feature characters such as Spiderman or Elsa, hence the name.
Instead of being child-friendly, they are everything but. Often they have graphic, extreme themes such as scat, BDSM and other fetish porn, some even have connotations of paedophilia.

The odd thing is that these videos are in their thousands, some of them are from popular Youtube channels with millions of followers; some of the videos get tens of millions of views and are being shown to very young children. So, imagine your child gets hold of a tablet and searches for 'Spiderman' on Youtube. It is innocent enough, until they find one of these videos which features sickening content.

Anyway, that is the problem of Elsagate - which Youtube are now trying to tackle, having originally being slow on the uptake, they are now in the process of banning videos and removing controversial channels.

The next issue is why these videos exist in the first place.
The most easy explanation is money; some videos get lots of views, which equals very good add revenue. But this still doesn't answer why the videos are so disgusting? Surely they would get good views without being so graphic?
Well, perhaps not. Some speculate that their views come from paedophiles who get off on watching the sickening material; some also speculate that it is used as mass propaganda from a greater force to brainwash millions of children.

We can all agree that the creators of such videos have some kind of deviant purpose - and blaming it on 'money' seems lazy at this stage. The next step is whether these videos are part of some kind of network, or merely lone-oddballs working for themselves.

So, it's gotten into the realms of conspiracy theories, but quite frankly it is truly bizarre and right now, none of the theories should be disregarded, as it's clear that there is some kind of sick motive behind pushing such shocking content onto children.

Hopefully Youtube is successful in cleaning up these videos and can return to a safer place for its content watchers of all ages.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Youtube star Zoella gets old, 'offensive' tweets exposed and apologises

This week, it unfolded that British Youtube star Zoella had previously tweeted some mean and possibly offensive stuff nearly 8 years back. We will get to this later, but it also means that someone went back nearly 8 years on her timeline and dug through her past.

Anyway, posting as a then-20-year-old, Zoella called someone a 'fat chav' whilst watching the TV show 'The X-Factor', someone a 'tramp' for wondering why designer clothes are expensive, and also said gay men weren't macho when spitting on the floor.

These tweets were revealed this week and have since prompted an apology from Zoella who said she doesn't speak like that anymore, and that she made mistakes in the past.

Overall, her apology can be classed as typical, cliched and stereotypical for this day and age - as she will obviously try to cling to her squeeky-clean image. And of course her tweets were offensive and judgemental to put it nicely.

Time will tell if this affects her Youtube career, as she has built an image based on being nice.

- Youtube Drama

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

KSI explains Sidemen beef

A few months ago, Youtube was flooded with drama surrounding The Sidemen and naturally it involved a lot of corny diss tracks, which on a side note seems to be a very popular way of gaining views in 2017.

Anyway, yesterday KSI released a video explaining whether the beef was actually real or not. In short, the first video was meant to be a bit of a joke, but then the rest of The Sidemen jumped on board and it got more serious...albeit was never anything major.

So, the cynic in us thinks it was a ploy to gain views and Youtube cash which perhaps went on a bit longer than was originally planned. As KSI joked in the beginning of the video, his diss songs gained tens of millions of views, as did the other Sidemen. We have spoken about this before on this blog regarding Ricegum; that Youtube diss songs can easily gain tens of millions of views per video - and it seems that this is the case here.

As of right now, the 'beef' has stopped (if you could ever actually call it that) and probably won't happen again, but in the meantime the videos have all done very well commercially and will continue to sit at get views, making people like KSI even more money whilst his fans wait for the next over-the-top style video he releases.
To clarify, the beef was not ever truly serious but did evolve into something which possibly did get more personal than originally intended, whilst succeeding in gaining both KSI and The Sidemen masses of views. Once again, there are no losers it seems in the land of Youtube diss songs. Hopefully this 'saga' is over and is confined to the depths of Youtube history.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 13 November 2017

Martinez twins quit Team 10 and say 'F*** you' to Jake Paul

For the past few months there has been constant speculation and rumours based around the Team 10 house, so much so that some of the stories have been covered already on this blog.

Well, yesterday it seems that some of those rumours may in fact be true, as The Martinez twins decided to quit the house and told Jake Paul "F*** you' in their video. Here they claimed that he basically turned into an asshole who bullied them and caused their lives great misery and annoyance whilst living with him.
In particular, they seemed most annoyed at him waking them up, which he did on several occasions to form prank videos. Some of these pranks looked stupid and harsh at the time, and it looks like the twins agreed.

Not only this, but they also said that he often laughed at them behind their backs and they also promised another video shortly which would highlight his bad behaviour in more detail.

Going back to the original rumours, one story was that Jake Paul got most of the Team 10 money and that the house mates weren't as close as the Youtube videos portrayed. In this case, the rumours look likely to have been true. Stay tuned for the follow up video which will probably be more in depth and will once again show Jake Paul to be one of the least likeable characters on Youtube.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Boyinaband Trolls Youtube in 'apology' video...spoiler inside

So, last month we covered the iDubbbz Content Cop vs Ricegum which ended with a semi-ironic diss song, similar to those which Ricegum often uses to gain Youtube views.

In this song, iDubbbz admitted that it was created by Youtuber 'Boyinaband' who is well known within the industry for his creativity.
Anyway, yesterday he uploaded a video called 'Apology for the diss track (I went to his house) which insinuated that Boyinaband had apologised to Ricegum. The video begins with Boyinaband quite seriously talking about how he felt the beef had created too many negative reactions.

Anyway, skip towards the end of the video and the twist is revealed. Instead of Ricegum, the Youtube personality he meets is actually Casey Neistat (who unlike Ricegum is somewhat likeable). Here they talk about the line in the Ricegum diss song where Boyinaband mentions Neistat's 'nice tats' in a reference to his nice tattoos. The video ends in comedic fashion with Neistat tattoo'ing a 'subscribe' message on Boyinabands back.

Although this video is under 5 minutes long, it shows the playful side to Youtube, laughing at clickbait headlines and that Youtube personalities can actually get a long. That and the fact it nearly has 3.5 million views already shows how Boyinaband is quickly becoming a very likeable Youtube personality.

- Youtube Drama

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Logan Paul shows off new Maverick house...and it's massive.

This post is a little different from the usual, as there is little drama to be found here.
Instead, it is a chance to highlight the mega-success of Youtube star Logan Paul, and his new Maverick house/mansion. The video resembles something from MTV Cribs as Paul shows off his fancy sports cars, large garden, swimming pool, foyer and lift...amongst other things he also lists his future ambitions of housing exotic pets on his grounds - a move made famous in the film Scarface, which flashes extravagance throughout.

Overall, although this video maybe very vain and contrived it does also serve us a reminder of just how lucrative Youtube money can be. Obviously, Logan Paul is at the high-end of Youtube earnings and he may be some peoples least favourite douche bag, but nonetheless it is still impressive on a business level - and a quick estimation would put the house at anywhere from $2-8 million, proving the cash that he is pulling in right now is no joke.

At the same time, one does wonder whether the constant click-bait and dumbed down videos are truly worth it, as dignity is something which money can not be bought.

Check out the video for yourselves.

- Youtube Drama

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

iDubbbz, Content Deputy vs Ricegum

So, after our last story about Ricegum getting a Content Cop video critique from iDubbbz, quite a lot has happened.

The original iDubbbz video got wrongly taken down from Youtube, and put back up again, whilst Ricegum did his own response video to iDubbbz, trying to justify some of his behaviour, whilst also poking criticism towards iDubbbz.

In short, he claimed that some of his old humour, previously highlighted by iDubbbz was in the past, that iDubbbz used the 'N' word too much and that iDubbbz should have criticised PewDiePie.

All of these points are looked over in the new Content Deputy video, where once again iDubbbz picks apart Ricegum piece by piece in what is promised to be his last video on the subject.

Once again, it seems that Ricegum misses several key points and tries to make arguments which are based on very little, so iDubbbz quite easily wins this one.

Watch the video above.

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 6 October 2017

Ricegum responds to iDubbbz content cop...albeit tamely

Three days ago, iDubbbz dropped a Content Cop video on Youtube sensation Ricegum - here he criticized a lot about him, which has already been covered in our post about the subject.

Well, yesterday saw Ricegum respond, albeit the response was very tame with all things considered. In a video barely over 2 minutes in length, Ricegum seemed to brush off the issues and was attempting to play it cool - whilst having sly digs at iDubbbz, saying it took months of research (although, is this really an insult?).

Anyway, Ricegum concluded by saying he will be uploading a proper response video in the next few days. Of course, the video has already amassed nearly 5 million views which for a 2 minute video with little editing, must be adding nicely to Ricegum's bank account. Again, we covered this in the original post, but don't be surprised to see him put out a few videos on this, amounting to many, many views and money in return, as this is probably what Ricegum was after. Any publicity is good publicity, right?

In the mean time, Ricegum yet again showed his vanity when his friend in the video shoots a money-printing, Supreme-branded gun at him...whether this was ironic or not is unknown based on the past antics of Ricegum and his inability to spot irony. Stay posted for more updates, this one is only just getting started.

- Youtube Drama

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

iDubbbz Content Cop Vs Ricegum released

Around one year ago, controversial Youtube personality Ricegum made a video, stating that he felt that at some point, content critique iDubbbz would make a video on him.

Today, that prediction came true in grand fashion as iDubbbz did his first Content Cop in a while, which roasted Ricegum in true iDubbbz fashion.
For those out of the loop, Ricegum's Youtube mainly consists of high-end fashion (of which iDubbbz claims he was showing off, due to insecurity), call-outs and cheesy diss-songs (think Jake Paul, Jacob Sartorious etc...and the rest of the usual characters which will generate views).

Anyway, Ricegum predicted that iDubbbz would go after his previous high-school photos for embarrassment, but that would have been too easy.
In the 30 minute clip, iDubbbz attacked Ricegum based on his hypocrisy in regards to evading peoples privacy, his 'flexing' nature which belittled homeless people, his cheesy rap songs and most of all his ridiculous ego. For instance, Ricegum genuinely thought he was good at music, whereas the clips in the video prove otherwise. Another example shows Ricegum calling out Youtuber's for bragging about views...whilst un-ironically bragging about his own superior views. You get the point, and over the 30 minutes it becomes more clear that Ricegum seems fairly soulless, deluded and genuinely unaware of his situation.

Check the video out now, and wait for the obligatory response from Ricegum who will no doubt use this as a chance to further enhance his reputation with a reply at some point.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 24 July 2017

Jake Paul 'dropped' from Disney? Plus Team 10 house gets swatted

Late last week, news broke that Disney and Jake Paul parted ways and Jake Paul's contract was mutually terminated...midway during shooting for a new season. Which may mean he was dropped by Disney and many people are saying that is the case.

The controversial Youtube personality may have been dropped because of his recent public image, which includes battling against his neighbours with regards to turning his neighbourhood into a 'warzone' (quoted from an interviewed neighbour) - in short, his video antics are attracting too many fans and burning a massive fire in his back yard certainly didn't go down well with the locals.

Anyway, according to some - this resulted in him being dropped by the Disney channel, where he played a character called Dirk on a show called Bizaardvark. According to Jake Paul however, he quit due to pursuing other areas of his career, such as his Youtube channel and businesses.

Not only this, but the month of July only seems to be getting crazier for Jake Paul, as his residence at the Team 10 house got swatted which would not have been a nice experience, however Jake Paul himself was absent during the SWAT raid, although many of his housemates were present.

Overall this shows the chaos surrounding the life of Jake Paul at the moment, and it seems to be only getting crazier as Youtube news mogul Keemstar claims there will be big news breaking about him by the end of the week.

- Youtube Drama

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Aussie Youtube beef - Lewis Spears accuses Ozzymanreviews of 'taking content and concepts for cash'

If you're aware of the Youtube community down under, then you will know of both Lewis Spears and Ozzymanreviews.
Lewis Spears is a stand-up comedian who also does call-out/reaction style views in a similar tone of H3H3 productions, whilst Ozzymanreviews is a very different channel, giving stereotypical Australian commentary to viral clips. Briefly putting it, that is what their respected channels are based around.

So today, Lewis Spears accused Ozzyman of 'taking content and concepts for cash', which was the name of his latest video.
The issue began when a Spears video was featured on Ozzyman's blog which apparently didn't credit Spears, whilst Ozzyman profited from the page through ad-revenue. However, it should be known that the page did embed the original video, meaning viewers could access the Lewis Spears Youtube channel - albeit this was quite tricky to access.

Nonetheless, Spears wanted credit and asked for this on Twitter, where Ozzyman replied saying Spears was a 'cyber bully' (whether this was genuinely ironic is up for debate - however Spears took it badly). Anyway, as a result, Spears released a video claiming that Ozzyman took his entire image and style from Alex Williamson, who pioneered the 'bogan' commentary style. He also added that Ozzyman's videos were merely talking over viral videos, which you could argue is the entire point.

Either way, it seems the truth is somewhere in the middle. Of course, Spears could have been more openly credited in the original blog post, but his criticism of Ozzyman also seems quite harsh, as his videos probably aren't too original, but then again most ideas are never fully unique. See the Spears video for more information.

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 21 July 2017

Team 10's Jake Paul facing jail time over California eavesdropping laws

The ever controversial Jake Paul is back yet again, as his infamy threatens to seriously harm his career, and possibly even his freedom.

This week has not been good for Jake Paul, as a local news reporter did a piece, saying that Paul's neighbours were not happy about his loutish behaviour and were considering legal advice.

In short, Jake Paul had put up the Team 10 houses address on Google, which means a constant influx of screaming fans are now present in the neighbourhood. Added to this, his childish antics, such as setting a large fire in his back yard has meant that his neighbours are not pleased. One even said he had turned the neighbourhood into 'hell'.

This was not the main issue of the week however, as Jake Paul decided to apologise to his neighbours...but he also secretly filmed his apology which is apparently illegal in California and can lead to a year in jail or a fine of around $2500. Following on from this, it has been reported locally that one of the neighbours is pressing charges for this act of illegal eavesdropping which could land Paul in jail.

It seems Jake Paul's reckless behaviour may finally be catching up with him and possibly house eviction is now the least of his worries.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

New footage shows IG 'Model' Christian Burns try to stab house mate

A few weeks back, Instagram 'model' Christian Burns created controversy with his treatment of a Vidcon security guard (we did a piece on it here: http://dramaofyoutube.blogspot.co.uk/2017/06/instagram-model-christian-burns-gives.html)

In short, the self-entitled model went off on a hate-fuelled rant against a security guard who was seemingly just doing his job, calling him ugly and a 'peasant'. It has since gone against Burns who publicly apologised, lost his model contract, is supposedly broke and has had a tirade of internet hate against him. To add to the irony, the security guards Instagram followers have now surpassed 100k, which is significantly more than that of Burns, who bragged towards the security guard in the video of his legions of followers (said to be around 20k at the time).

Anyway, if things were bad for Burns, they're now much worse as new footage was recently leaked of him allegedly trying to attack a house mate with a knife. The footage shows people shouting, with Burns being mounted and restrained on a bed until he calms down. Oddly, many of the house mates seem to be laughing at the incident as if it was not dangerous. However, this looked quite serious and shows further insight into the mind of Burns.

On a more positive not for Burns, it seems his Youtube channel is trying to break ground with generic vlogging videos as it seems he is now trying to cash out on his infamy. Whether this works is debatable, but due to his controversial behaviour this may not be the last we hear of the troubled personality.

- Youtube Drama

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

New, previously unseen footage of Hugh Mungus vs Zarna Joshi debate

Back in 2016, the 'Hugh Mungus' story broke on Youtube and created debate and interest amongst its audience. Here the video showed a man asked his name, responding with a classic, cheesy joke "Hugh...Mungus", as in 'humongous'. The interviewer, from behind the camera immediately started screaming that it he had sexually harassed her due to his response.

The internet generally sided with Mr Hugh Mungus, also known as Rudy Pantoja who since did interviews and appeared as a pretty cool, laid back guy (the same could not be said for Zarna Joshi, who appeared aggressive and unreasonable).

Anyway, the beef has long since, settled. That was until recently when new footage was released prior to the confrontation.
The back story is that Pantoja was at a local, public gathering where members of the community could give reasons for or against a new police station being built in the area. It is revealed by Pantoja that he was in favour of the new building as he claimed the local police force had helped his daughter overcome her heroin addiction.
Anyway, at this point a member of the audience (possibly Joshi), asks whether his daughter is white, to which he replies that his daughter is Latino...(the point being, that perhaps his daughter would somehow be favourably treated by the police if she was white skinned).

Afterwards, after this an audible scream is let loose and Pantoja is rudely interrupted and heckled throughout. Afterwards, Joshi gives her opinion on the platform, claiming that the police are a racist gang and therefore do not deserve further funding.

In summary, this new video gives further insight into the Hugh Mungus saga, and that Pantoja really is a nice guy, whereas Joshi seems even more detestable and childish in her approach to differing opinions.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 10 July 2017

DaddyOFive returns to Youtube (As does MommyOFive)

Two days ago, controversial Youtube user DaddyOFive's channel made its first video in months.
With no actual footage or real audio (other than a rock instrumental), the channel announced it would be returning shortly, whilst also advertising its sister channels, DaddyOFive Gaming and MommyOFive.

Whilst on the subject of MommyOFive, it seems that channel is now fully active, with almost daily videos - still attracting hundreds of thousands of views per video. Funnily enough, the dislike ratio is not too bad either, with roughly a 70-30 like ratio in favour of each video (generally speaking).
In other words, it seems a large chunk of the Youtube community has either forgotten or forgiven the seemingly cruel acts of DaddyOFive and his wife.

For those out of the loop, the channel gained notoriety several months back when it was accused of child abuse, where the father physically and mentally bullied his children, supposedly to gain more Youtube views and therefore revenue. Following on from this, some of the children were taken away by the authorities and the case for child neglect is on-going.
However, based on the past view videos - it seems that DaddyOFive is fairly optimistic about continuing his Youtube career.
With this one, it seems time will tell as the story is set to continue...

- Youtube Drama

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Youtube prankster shot dead by girlfriend in 'shooting prank' gone horribly wrong

This week, a Youtube prankster named Pedro Ruiz III was shot dead by his long-term girlfriend, Monalisa Perez.

The couple agreed to do a 'shooting prank' which involved Perez firing a gun at Ruiz III's chest, which he covered and protected with a large book. According to Ruiz III he had tried this before with a similar book where the bullet did not fully penetrate the book.

Anyway, this time the stunt went wrong when the bullet ripped through the book and into Ruiz III's chest, providing a fatal shot. Since then, Perez has been charged with manslaughter and may face up to 10 years in jail for killing her boyfriend. The couple have a child together and Perez is currently pregnant with Ruiz III's baby, which only adds to the tragedy.

This tragic story serves as a reminder that Youtube pranks can go badly wrong if done incorrectly and sometimes the ad-revenue is simply not worth risking your health. Perez will hear her fate over the next few weeks as to whether she is jailed or not, whilst Ruiz's family say they support her and acknowledge it as an accident.

Thursday, 29 June 2017

Team 10's Jake Paul claims to own rights to Ricegum diss song, effectively taking the songs earnings

Once again it seems Team 10's main man Jake Paul is surrounded in Youtube controversy as the 'Everyday Bro' fallout continues and doesn't look like going away any time soon.

The song went viral, mostly for the wrong reasons of appearing obnoxious and cringe worthy, but since then an interesting twist has emerged.
As ever, Youtuber Ricegum was quick to emerge and teamed up with Jake Paul's ex-girlfriend, Alissa Violet to create a diss song, 'Every Night Sis'. The song was basically dissing Jake Paul and Team 10 whilst using the beat of the 'Everyday Bro' song.

This is where things get interesting, as according to Jake Paul, when being interviewed by 'The Hollywood fix', he claimed that he "claimed the views on it" and that he'd "buy a new car with it", meaning he has the monetisation of the video, which is definitely a possibility as the song may have used his original 'Everyday Bro' instrumental without his permission.

Interestingly the song is still up on Ricegum's channel, which currently sits at nearly 30 million views and counting. In other words, if Jake Paul is true, he may well be able to buy a new car from the monetisation. Elsewhere, Ricegum could theoretically remove the channel, but it also acts as good promotion for himself, so even though the two are 'enemies', it may be of mutual benefit for the video to stay as it is, earning Jake Paul money and Ricegum more of a following.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Anita Sarkeesian vs Sargon of Akkad - the beef continues...part 1093

This week took yet another turn in the ongoing feud between Youtube critic Sargon of Akkad and feminist Anita Sarkeesian.
For those out of the loop, the beef began a few years ago when Sarkeesian controversially raised over $100,000 to critique video games with a feminist slant. This drew a response from Sargon of Akkad who claimed her ideas were poorly researched and relatively baseless.
It has all been covered before and probably won't be the end of their feud. In short, Sargon of Akkad is critical of Anita Sarkeesian's feminist critique on general society and culture, whilst she claims he constantly attacks feminism. It goes on and on.

Anyway, fast forward to Vidcon - this time Sarkeesian was on a 'women’s panel' panel giving a speech about why women's voices still needed to be heard. In other words, she was giving a feminist speech yet again. This time, she spotted her long-term rival Sargon of Akkad sitting in the front row. She then turned the critique towards him, calling him a 'shit head' and 'garbage human' in front of the audience.
Since the event, both individuals have continued their war of words - Sarkeesian basically saying that Sargon is harassing her and Sargon's point is that she is not open to reasonable debate or critique and constantly plays the victim (based on the Vidcon video, he may well have a point).

With this continuing, there is certainly some irony involved; both of them will probably disagree with each other until death, both of them claim the other one criticises the other one for attention and ironically every time one mentions the other, it creates more publicity for the pair of them. At this point it seems that neither individual is aware of the rolling story which keeps going in circles - they both hate each other and disagree immensely with their opposing ideas, but neither are willing to let it go. Something tells us, it will not be the last time these two clash.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Instagram 'model' Christian Burns gives interview after Vidcon security guard video

If you have been living under a rock for the past week then you may have missed this video:

As seen, the instigator of the conflict is an alleged Instagram model who goes under the name 'Christian Burns'. In this video, he tells the security guard to kill himself, calls him 'blue collar as fuck' and 'fucking ugly'. He also says how he is richer than the security guard, who in turn reacts fairly calmly and in a professional manner. As you may expect, the internet has reacted badly to the behaviour of Christian Burns who comes across as a self-entitled brat.

Anyway, since then Christian came out with an interview on the Keemstar Drama Alert channel. Here he tries to justify his behaviour by saying that security guards where grappling with members of the public and treating them 'like dogs'. Of course, it is pointed out that the intention of security guards is to secure a person or building, and their job is to stop any potential conflict, even with physical force if needed.
The next 10 minutes of the interview is fairly cringe worthy, with Burns proving to be fairly inarticulate and struggling to apologise for his actions, and also trying to act as the victim to the internet backlash. The interview is concluded with himself admitting he's insecure and Keemstar then calling him out on his behaviour, to which he seems fairly speechless.

Watch the interview below and see for yourself, it has been hinted by some commentators that the Instagram career of Christian Burns may have ended before it had even truly begun, and looking at the scandal it seems that may well be the case.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Youtube's Team 10 Exposed (Alleged Nick Crompton scandal)

Recently, the Youtube super-group of vloggers, known as 'Team 10' have been rapidly gaining popularity and millions of views on the website and social media at large.
Part of this was down to the 'Everyday Bro' video from their leader Jake Paul who created a stir through his cocky persona and lack of creativity with his song lyrics.
Since then a slew of response videos followed and the Team 10 fame rose to even bigger heights - as well as infamy for being somewhat cringe worthy, nonetheless from a fame and monetary perspective, their success cannot be denied.

Going further down the Youtube rabbit hole found this clip from Instagram model 'Mick Maio' (link here: https://www.instagram.com/mickmaio/?hl=en). As seen, he is quite an attractive gent, plus his Instagram shots do seem quite homoerotic (which is relevant to the story later).
Anyway, to cut a long story short, according to his video - Mick was invited to the Team 10 house to hang out and possibly even join the outfit. Here he claims that Jake Paul was in charge of the house, that it wasn't as fun as it seemed and that the other members were not making the money which was hinted at.

So far, these claims are fairly tame. Based on his popularity it would be easy to assume that Jake Paul was the most successful and that there was a degree of sensationalism behind their videos...to think otherwise would be somewhat naive.
However, the most shocking part of the video is when Maio claimed that Team 10 CEO Nick Crompton came on to him via text messages, and pestered him if he could 'suck his dick'. In short, Maio goes on to claim that Crompton (a known homosexual) wanted sexual favours for Maio to enter the house and therefore elevate his career. Maio claimed that after he rejected his advances, he was thrown out of a party, their relationship soured and he left (it is worth noting that Maio is a heterosexual, so you can see how things could become uncomfortable).

Anyway, it is very important to state that these are merely the words of Maio himself and none of this is fact or proven - but merely based on his own self-published video entitled 'Truth about Team 10'. This video can be viewed below and viewers can come to their own conclusions.