Sunday, 18 August 2019

Pyrocynical looks at the invasion of Reddit videos on Youtube

It's been a growing trend recently on Youtube and one you may have noticed. That is, the invasion of Reddit-themed videos which have taken over the platform.
Now, Youtuber Pyrocynical has made a video addressing the situation whilst calling out the Reddit video makers for being lazy and milking the current fad.

So, what is a Reddit video? In short, it's typically a 5 minute video which has screenshots of Reddit questions, i.e. "What is your worst childhood memory?" - where the video then proceeds to show responses, which again is done via screenshots. Usually these videos don't have human audio and are instead done via speech to text software which sounds robotic and obscure.
Basically, these videos can be whipped up in a couple of minutes and can literally get millions of views albeit the fad is now becoming over-saturated.

He also mentions Minecraft channels and flexing videos which have not-so-subtle placements of designer get the picture.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 15 August 2019

Logan Paul releases cringey movie, Airplane Mode

In a strange turn of events Logan Paul recently released a movie called Airplane Mode. Judging by the trailer this film is kind of like a poor-mans take on the comedy classic, Airplane - where havoc is wreaked on an airplane flight with a number of wild guests (or in this case Z-list celebrities and Youtube creators).

Instead of the originality of Airplane, Airplane Mode just looks like yet another low budget Youtube movie with little substance. The main IMDB user review sums it up with a 1/10 rating, commenting: Its like they somehow distilled the very essence of cancer and then transformed it into video.

Yikes, so there you have it - yet another money spinner from one of the Paul brothers. However, interestingly this movie was actually filmed in 2016 and has been known about for a while so why it was just released is an odd thing. Since then a number of commentary Youtubers have reviewed the film branding it awful with cheesy slapstick and dated, unoriginal humour and one-liners; and as of now it can still be seen on Youtube as an account has the full flick up to watch (if you dare).

One thing is for certain however, Logan will be making bank from this one way or another - and it's not like it can really harm his reputation at this point as he's been in a string of dodgy movies and acting roles for a while now.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 12 August 2019

WillNE rips into Morgz Mum

For those wondering, Morgz is a very popular UK Youtube creator with over 10 million subs. His videos mostly involve 'challenges' and 'pranks' which feature his parents and cheesy over-the-top acting, where the winner can win an expensive prize.
Known for his shouting, blatantly scripting dialogue and constant plugging of his merch, it's odd to many as to why his appeal is so big...but it is.

Anyway, his mother (known as Big Jill) is also in on the act with her own channel, featuring a healthy 3.2 million subs which provides similar, corny content (one would guess their target audience is mostly kids who buy into it).

So today Youtube critique WillNE decided to release a video bashing Morgz Mum and her channel which featured clips of one of her latest videos, a challenge video about staying in a bedroom for hours. Here WillNE laughs at their terrible acting, more merch plugging, their perceived wealth and the absurdity of the situation, such as how Morgz dad (known as Bald Martin...because he's bald) got roped into the arrangement. Indeed, it is odd to see a working class, northern man in his 50's doing weird Youtube videos.

But anyway, it's all in good taste and WillNE isn't being poisonous here or anything. If anything it's almost a homage to the whole Morgz family who seem to have done very well financially out of their Youtube setup. So here's to the future of Morgz and his ironically awful content.

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 9 August 2019

Youtuber Brooke Houts investigated by LAPD over alleged dog abuse video

*Video may be removed by Youtube

Last week the Los Angeles Youtube creator Brooke Houts accidentally uploaded a video clip of her being abusive to her pet, a Doberman puppy. In the video she can be seem shoving, pushing and even spitting on the poor dog as it playfully tries to gain her attention. Not only this, but the dog physically flinches when approached by her hand movements showing a fearful response by the canine.
What makes it worse is that in between clips, she tries to present to the video in a friendly, wholesome image which is the exact opposite to her behaviour towards her pet.

In short, she looks frustrated with the pup as it gets in the way of her filming a new video. PETA have since chimed in claiming she shouldn't have a dog if she cannot look after it, and the Youtube community have condemned her behaviour.
Now it seems to have gone further as the LAPD have also launched an investigation into animal abuse which is clearly visible in the footage.

What makes things even worse is her videos recently have a few features of the dog and show her treating it with respect. At least the one positive from the episode is perhaps it will end the abuse to the dog which could have potentially lasted for years. Her latest which has over 1 million views has a 4k like to 143k dislike ratio which speaks volumes.

- Youtube Drama

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Youtube Ingham Family sell reborn doll of their newborn baby as

Over the years we've seen plenty of unusual stuff done on Youtube, mostly in the name of making some quick cash.
It only only two weeks back that we featured Belle Delphine and the monetizing of her bath water and sadly if you think that is weird, then this is even weirder.

The Ingham family have started selling reborn doll versions of their newborn son - which must take the prize as the weirdest form of merch ever.
The doll can be purchased here in its life-like glory for a minimum of £279: Ingham baby merch
As seen it's not cheap and the top comment on their Youtube video sums up a lot of the feelings surrounding the idea, as 'Vegan fit mumma' puts it "Sorry that's odd and very creepy just enjoy your baby instead of making strange dolls of him to sell Hmmm Thinking about the cash I think". Similar comments follow in condemning it as strange - mostly on the grounds that it looks like money-grabbing at your child's expense, importantly without their consent. At the same time The Ingham Family are claiming it's for the future benefit of their baby, but most viewers disagree branding it as greedy, odd and even morbid.

- YoutubeDrama

Friday, 2 August 2019

iDubbbz releases documentary, Full Force

Usually iDubbbz can be found un-boxing unusual items or critiquing dodgy Youtubers. This week he dropped his first documentay, 'Full Force'.

Based on the Detroit Youtube creator Airsoftfatty, iDubbbz flew out to meet the man and basically follow him around for a few days. The result was quite interesting.
For those wondering, Airsoftfatty is a 24 year old creator who is known mostly for two things. Firstly he is very obese and looks physically quite bizarre. Secondly he makes cringe-worthy videos with his friends which typically involve Star Wars lightsaber battles.

Anyway, the documentary was actually quite entertaining considering it doesn't sound like there would actually be much content to put into nearly 50 minutes. In fairness to iDubbbz he also comes across quite sincere, balancing his own cringe at the situation with genuine intrigue and empathy.
For instance, there are a few touching moments throughout such as when Airsoftfatty meets an old friend who he fell out with and they briefly make a truce, or when the documentary closes; showing Airsfoftfatty as a kind of happy soul who lives care free.

So, if you like Youtube culture then this is definitely one to watch.

- YoutubeDrama

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Grant Thompson aka The King of Random dies in Paragliding accident

Last week we featured the tragic news about the death of UK Youtuber Emily Hartridge, today it has been announced that US Youtube creator Grant Thompson, aka The King of Random has been found dead after he went missing.

The 38 year old had gone paragliding in Utah and was recently found by a search party. Thompson proved a very popular figure on Youtube with over 11 million subscribers and nearly 2.5 billion views. Unlike many Youtube stars, he wasn't really involved in controversy or politics but instead gave out consistently interesting content.
In fact, you could say that he was very influential to the platform in regards to shaping its current creators content, as he was one of the first originators to do experimental videos, something which has been a popular craze on the site for years now. Looking back at his channel for instance, his first experiment video was making a DIY flashlight some 8 years ago - and since then he has done many more unusual videos which ooze creativity and keep fans entertained.

Rest in peace King of Random

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 26 July 2019

Overly attached girlfriend creator quits Youtube

Yesterday a shock announcement video was released by Youtuber Laina Morris - who declared that she was leaving the platform.
Her channel, Laina has over 1 million subscribers and she grew her popularity from creating the 'Overly attached girlfriend' meme which was a response to Justin Biebers 'Girlfriend' song; here she was pictured staring menacingly into the camera which was the basis of the funny/creepy meme.

Anyway, most of her videos followed the vlogging format and she racked up over 160 million views but stopped consistently uploading two years ago, and did little since then.
Her latest quitting video explained how she was suffering from anxiety and depression and that she thanked her fans for their support, getting tearful towards the end.

Hopefully Laina gets better and leads a happy life, but also one thing which seems to be growing with the Youtube community is the theme of anxiety and depression which sparks a wider debate as to whether the platform can actually have a bad affect on a creators health, especially when dealing with issues such as trolling or the obscurity of overnight fame. Recently Etika killed himself at age 29 for instance in an act which shocked millions.

- Youtube Drama

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Belle Delphine sends H3H3 a mystery package (her spit in a jar) - and gets banned from Instagram

Yes folks, Belle Delphine is at it again.

She is no stranger to controversy and for a 19 year old is seemingly very clever at self-promotion. This time her antics were featured on the H3 podcast as she sent Ethan Klein and the gang a 'mystery package'.
This package featured a small haiku poem, a video and a jar containing a mystery substance. The video showed exactly what the substance was her spit as the audio file contained Delphine spitting her saliva into the jar.
The meme got even weirder when Ethan and his guests decided to open the jar and smell the spit, with Klein even stating some of it had solidified into bacteria and Hila Klein claiming it smelled like soda bread. Gross.

Not only this, but Ethan gave the British creator a nod by repeatedly saying he was impressed by her entrepreneurial skills when it came to selling weird stuff online to her strange fan-base. He even acknowledged that the spit jar would probably be worth $2500.

However, it is not all sunshine and unicorns for Delphine, as her lewd behaviour has also seen her kicked off Instagram in recent days as her posts were reported en-masse for being too provocative. No doubt this will harm her fame if she is not allowed back on the platform, but knowing her it won't be long until she is back in the news again with a new, crazy idea.

- Youtube Drama

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Shane Dawson returns with 1 hour documentary interview with Eugenia Cooney about her eating disorder

Yesterday Youtube documentary maker and generally good guy Shane Dawson returned to the site after a 5 month absence from posting any videos on his channel.

The video maker presented a 1 hour documentary discussing the saga around fellow Youtuber Eugenia Cooney and her battle with her eating disorder.
Here he discussed the nature of her battle and then interviewed her at her house. Overall the documentary is very well made and tasteful throughout, as Dawson appears genuinely concerned for his friend whilst providing an insight into her condition. This allows Cooney to open up and show what she went through over the years of her battle.

Perhaps the saddest part of the documentary is the highlighting of online trolling which was a daily thing for Cooney to endure, where she would constantly get abusive comments in her videos based around her eating disorder; many of the comments recommending her to die etc.

However, overall the documentary has a positive and wholesome message that Cooney is now doing much better after a stint in rehab and is in a more positive mental and physical place.
On another note, it is nice to see a friendly story on Youtube for a change, at a time where drama often means easy views whereas this video clearly has a lot of thought and sincerity gone into it which helps raise awareness of the sensitive issue. Here's to Shane Dawson who once again has shown himself as an upstanding man and hopefully he continues to do so with similar videos in the future.

- Youtube Drama

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Tana Mongeau and Jake Paul get engaged

They have been dating for a few months now and whilst many cynics have called it a publicity front, this week they got engaged with a media frenzy and obligatory Youtube reveal videos which followed.

If this is real then it probably won't last due to their crazy personalities, but if it isn't real then it makes for good drama and is a wise financial decision from the young pair. For months now they have been teasing whether their relationship is true, and after this latest piece of news it seems the speculation will only mount further. No wedding date has been confirmed as of yet, but one thing is for sure; if it happens it may just be the trashiest wedding ceremony ever.

- Youtube Drama

UK Youtube personality Emily Hartridge tragically dies in electric scooter crash

For those that don't know, Emily Hartridge was a 35 year old TV presenter and Youtube creator from the United Kingdom.

This week she tragically died when riding her electric scooter crashed with a lorry in London, it is believed to be the first death involving an electric scooter.

Hartridge was a popular Youtube figure with over 340,000 subscribers and over 130 million views, most of which were based around her '10 reasons' series which were short, comical videos based around romance and sex.

- Youtube Drama

Tuesday, 9 July 2019

Good news? Youtube changes manual copyright infringement policy

Today generally positive news broke out for the Youtube creator community as it was announced by Youtube that creators would now have more protection when dealing with manual copyright claims.

Basically, what this means is that now creators can see a timestamp of the exact part of their video which is supposedly infringing, i.e. a 10 second audio clip. With this new policy, they can chose to change audio, remove it etc and supposedly this would still allow monetization of their video if the copyright is dealt with in a proper manner.

Whilst this marks good progression, the one negative is that automatic claims are still under the same rules as always; that is a creator cannot see the reason for the copyright and they are still in the dark in that sense.

Nonetheless, the news has mostly been received with happiness from the majority of Youtubers so at least it is a step in the right direction because before the policy (at times) was clearly abused and used as a tool to bully smaller creators.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 8 July 2019

Youtuber Vito vapes Belle Delphine's used bathwater

It seems that 2019 is going to be Belle Delphine's year as she is once again making the headlines for all the weird reasons.

This time a Youtube creator by the name of Vito has created a video where he vapes her used bathwater. This comes a week after she was selling jars of the stuff for £24 on the internet and sold out in just two days.
Well the hype train is still going and now it seems Vito is cashing in with a clickbait title "I vaped Belle Delphine's Bathwater" which does what it if you want to see a neckbeard vaping used bathwater then this is the video for you.

In all seriousness though the video is done quite well and is more of a parody rather than some creepy weirdness and he even phones his father to add to the awkward tension.
Stay tuned for more stories as knowing Belle Delphine the next scandal will be just around the corner.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 4 July 2019

Belle Delphine is at it again, this time selling her bath water for £24...and it sells out instantly

As we recently mentioned; Belle Delphine has recently rose to fame on the internet for her trolling of fans over her false Pornhub videos.
Well, today she has once again made mainstream news for more bizarre behaviour. This time she sold her bathwater for £24. It comes in a small tub and is advised not be be drunk by consumers; the 'gamer girl' water was sold for £24 and 500 sold out in just two days. That means she turned over £12000 in just two days whilst costs to create the tubs would have been low...because it's literally bath water.

Stay tuned for more weird goings on in the world of Belle Delphine.

- Youtube Drama

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Ed Sheeran becomes first UK musician to crack 40 million Youtube subscribers

Today has marked a new milestone for Ed Sheeran who can't seem to stop breaking records. As of today (July 2019) he now has the most subscribers for any UK musician.

In fact, he is the most subscribed to musician in the world...except for one individual. As you may have guessed, Justin Bieber is currently #1 with over 45 million subs which isn't bad for a 25 year old.
However, recently Sheeran has been gaining on Bieber who is less active with his music these days so potentially Sheeran could gain the most subs for a musician in the world!

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 1 July 2019

Belle Delphine trolls horny fans with fake porn - and puts up weird video with octopus

So, admittedly we're a bit late to the whole Belle Delphine story - but it's so good that it's worth telling in all its details and weird glory.

To summarise, Belle Delphine is internet-famous, with over 3 million Instagram followers and nearly 4000 patreon subscribers (subscribers pay $1 per month up to $2,500 per month...not bad work for a 20 year old when you think about it)

So, who is she and what does she do? In short Belle Delphine puts out sexual images based around cosplay, i.e. wearing a bikini whilst bending over...with pink hair. You get the idea, and her Instagram is full of stuff like this - which is why her thousands of Patreon followers are willing to donate - if you pay $50 per month for example you get to see her 'lewd' Snapchat.

Anyway, back in June she trolled her followers claiming she would upload a porn film if she got over 1 million likes on an Instagram post...which got to 2 million very quickly. After this, she then linked to Pornhub, claiming cream pie videos, Pewdiepie titles and the rest - but it was all a prank. The cream pie video was that of a literal cream pie and Pewdiepie going 'inside' her was literally Belle eating a printed photograph of him.
The result was interesting to say the least, with hordes of her followers claiming to be angry, mad and let down that they were lead on - genuinely believing she had released pornographic material.

Not only this, but further capitalising on the hype she released a bizarre Youtube video where she hangs out with a dead octopus with stick-on wobbly eyes. The whole thing is odd to say the least and has to be seen to believed.

Overall, she is proving successful in terms of marketing and creating awareness for her image. At the same time part of you wonders whether she will have much dignity left by the time it is worth it.

- Youtube Drama

Friday, 14 June 2019

Jojo Siwa's makeup recalled in US due to containing asbestos

Popular Youtube icon Jojo Siwa is like many Youtube stars who have branched out offline to increase their profit. In this case Jojo has started selling make-up kits, which have proved financially successful by the likes of Jeffree Star and James Charles.

Anyway, the 16 year old Siwa has had to recall the makeup kits due to some containing samples of asbestos. For those unaware, asbestos can prove fatal if inhaled by humans and can lead to cancer. So, obviously when an item is found with asbestos traces it has to be recalled immediately and destroyed in a safe environment.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 6 June 2019

Eugenia Cooney is back with a new image.

A few months ago we did a piece on Youtube star Eugenia Cooney and the concerned Youtube creators who claimed she was unhealthy with an eating disorder. Here, many of the commentary circled around her possible eating disorder and unhealthy looking weight.

Well, today we have good news as a new image has surfaced showing Eugenia looking a lot healthier and also happier. This comes months after she went on a break from social media and claimed she was working with her doctor to get healthier.

- Youtube Drama

Youtuber Lance Stewart releases cringe inducing song 'Lost' - Youtube reacts badly

This week, US Youtube creator Lance Stewart released a song called 'Lost' which to put nicely is pretty damn cringe-worthy.

Racking up nearly 3 million views in just under a week - the video has a like to dislike ratio of 120k to 104k...which speaks volumes. Not only this, but the comments are not nice - most saying how it is an awful song, how it is cringey and just plain garbage.
But, it seems Stewart is only using this to add to his promotion as the video got onto Youtube's trending page and he also did two follow up reaction videos - which mean more promotion and ultimately more money as a result.

For those wondering, just watch the video. If low budget, bad singing and corny lyrics are your thing - the great. If not, you may want to avoid. However, the sad thing is this isn't the first in terms of Youtubers making bad music videos - a trend which kicked off about 2 years ago when they realised they could be quite profitable (remember Everyday Bro by Jake Paul?)

Further to this, Stewart is no stranger to cringe moments on the site - as he found fame with his seance videos, claiming he was being haunted be a demonic spirit which he had unleashed by playing with a ouija board. So, in terms of his depths for views you could argue that 'Lost' is actually quite tame by his previous standards.

- Youtube Drama

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Spanish Youtuber ReSet jailed and fined €20,000 for homeless Youtube prank

Two years back, a Spanish Youtube creator named ReSet did a prank involving a homeless man, in the prank he gave him Oreos which were filled with toothpaste instead of the typical sugary filling. Allegedly, this caused the homeless man to vomit and arguably more importantly it would have caused humiliation for the victim too.

This week, a judge in Barcelona sentenced ReSet to 15 months in jail, as well as being fined €20,000 and also a 5 year social media ban - which means no Youtube for 5 years.
In terms of Youtube shame, this is pretty out there for some of the low things people will do for views - and also proves that pranks can have negative effects on the victims when they are created.
It also sets a precedent in Spain for pranksters to think twice about their actions, but sadly this isn't the first time a Youtube creator has gone to prison for a prank...and probably won't be the last either.

For those wondering, the original video has long since been deleted from the platform.

- Youtube Drama

Monday, 20 May 2019

JaackMaate calls out Morgz

This week has seen the UK Youtube commentator JaackMaate go after fellow compatriot Morgz for his general cringe-inducing behaviour.

And it's not just Morgz who is being looked at, it's also his mother who is in on the Youtube cash-cow act, as she too has over 3 million subscribers and a healthy viewer count.

So, what is wrong with Morgz?
As highlighted by JaackMaate in his video, Morgz may be only be 17 years old but he is somewhat unbearable at times in front of the camera. For instance, his constant flexing in the 'Billionaire challenge' video is irritating at best. Not only this, but he also constantly shouts, has cheesy (un-ironic) sound affects, begs for subs, constantly plugs his merch and has awfully acted scripts which are blatantly made up.

For instance, Jaack shows a game by Morgz where he plays a game with is mother, where rolling a number 5 on the dice means a punishment. Of course that number is then landed on and his mother acts overly dramatic with her reaction.

This is typical of Morgz who has made millions of dollars from Youtube according to SocialBlade. But his antics don't stop there, as highlighted by fellow commentator Memelous, Morgz also did a joint video with his mother, here she hid in his hotel room whilst he started making out with his his mother was under the bed. You get the picture. Watch the video and see for yourselves, words probably won't do it justice.

- Youtube Drama

The James Charles vs Tati Westbrook saga...the story so far

So, last week was massive as far as Youtube Drama goes - and for good reason.

One of the sites biggest success stories, James Charles was called out on the platform by his former mentor, Tati Westbrook. For those not in the loop, Charles is a famous, gay make up artist with his own make up line and global celebrity status.
Westbrook is also from the beauty industry but is nearly 20 years older, at age 37...whereas Charles is still 19 years old.

In short, she made a Youtube video calling out Charles, claiming he was disloyal, not responding to her messages and also sexually inappropriate (apparently hitting on a straight waiter and also discussing sexual acts in front of Tati and his own parents at a dinner).

The result was absolutely massive. Within days Charles had nearly lost 2 million subscribers from the site and 'cancel culture' was in full effect. Not only this, but another long-time friend and collaborator of his, Jeffree Star had also cut ties with him.
In the meantime, Westbrook seemed to go from strength to strength, gaining millions of subscribers herself and gaining more popularity than she previously had - as she was mostly known within the beauty industry but not elsewhere.

Anyway, a few days back - Charles made a second video (the first was a typical, sobbing apology video). Here Charles hit back and shared text-messages between the two as 'proof' against the claims of Westbrook. In short, he claimed the waiter was bi and so it wasn't as sexually inappropriate; and also that he and Westbrook still had a solid, speaking relationship until recently.
Not only this, but one of her beefs was that he endorsed a nutrients company shortly after turning down a plug for one of her companies; to which she was saddened (although Charles claimed he did this merely to gain more anonymity at Coachella music festival.

Not only this, but since then Jeffree Star has since chimed in, claiming he also has dirt on Charles and that the latest James Charles video was not accurate.

At this point it is fairly unknown as to what will happen next, but there is probably more gossip around the corner as it doesn't seem finished.

What has also come to light is just how catty the beauty industry is and that fame is not always as it seems. For instance, on the one hand a grown woman going after a 19 year old seems quite harsh, but also the public image of Charles also seems less innocent than previously thought. In short, all parties involved will have lost some credibility as this plays out and more mud gets slung.

- Youtube Drama

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Youtube singer Austin Jones pleads guilty to possessing child pornography

Earlier this week, Youtube singer Austin Jones pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography; a confession which will land him between 5 and 20 years jail time depending on his plea and how lenient the judge is with his case.

The news comes from claims in 2017 that he asked underage girls to send him explicit images and videos which included twerking and nudity. Further allegations began since as early as 2015 when an anonymous 15 year old girl made claims about his sexually inappropriate behaviour.
Since then, Jones denied the claims until this week, where he decided to plead guilty.

Jones currently has a Youtube channel with over 500,000 subscribers which was gained through his popular covers of pop songs. Combined with his good looks and talented voice, he quickly became an internet sensation.

In recent times, his Facebook account has been taken down from the site, yet Youtube are still yet to act on potentially banning his channel.
Regardless of what Youtube decide to do, one thing is for sure that his career is over and he will definitely be serving jail time until at least his 30's.

- Youtube Drama

Youtuber Eugenia Cooney sparks anorexia concerns

This story has recently gained more traction, but the truth is that if you have followed the story of Youtuber Eugenia Cooney, then you will know that there has been growing concerns about her health for some time now.

The Youtube personality is most famous for her vlogs which mostly feature beauty tips and cosplay-fashion videos. In short, she is like many other Youtube channels which focus on the beauty industry via vlogging.

However, her most recent video has generated a lot of attention, with the likes of Keemstar and Pewdiepie both mentioning it. Here, in a cosplay outfit she can be seen looking incredibly thin - and it is mostly assumed that this is down to anorexia.
In the video shown, you can see pictures of Cooney from several years back which show her with a fuller-face, whereas in todays pictures she is seen looking much more thin and gaunt.
Cooney has claimed for some time that she simply cannot put on weight and that it is not a concern...also stating that she is not a role model, i.e. her younger audience should not follow her lifestyle too seriously.

Whilst it is concerning to see her physical condition, it is at least heart-warming to see the Youtube community offer their support - as in an industry full of disses and name-calling, they have rallied round her asking for fans to help her and for Cooney to get help.

Whether Cooney will get help is completely up to her however and ultimately it would be her decision to do so, but it is nice to see fan support. As has been mentioned in some videos already, we just hope she gets help before it is too late.

- Youtube Drama

Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Memelous gets copyright claim on video from 'The Unknown vlogs'

Earlier this week we featured a story with British Youtuber, Memelous. It was a short video highlighting a cringe-worthy vlogger who was constantly trying to flex and prove his worth...

Anyway, this is a common feature of the Memelous channel; bashing corny Youtube personalities for laughs.
This week however things got more serious, as Memelous released a video which claimed his channel could potentially be taken down from Youtube as it breached a copyright rule. Several months back he covered a Youtuber called 'The Unknown vlogs' which was a fashion vlog, where Memelous called him out for showing off overly-expensive clothing on mostly teenagers...overall it was everything wrong with the whole flexing culture; a bunch of rich kids trying to look edgy and arrogant.

Fast forward to this week and Memelous' video has been hit with a copyright claim from The Unknown vlogs and Studio 71 (a Youtube partner company). Basically, they are arguing that he unfairly used their content without permission, whereas Memelous is arguing that it was used in context of the 'fair use act' which enables people to feature other videos under the lines of criticism (there is a difference for example with straight ripping another video - and doing a reaction video which is seen as fair use)...or not in this case.

Two appeals later and Memelous has been denied his video from Youtube. He now has to remove the video or it is removed via a copyright strike which is more serious, meaning two more could get his banned removed completely, and therefore lose his job and income.

This is a classic example of how Youtube's policies aren't seemingly as black and white as they seem, and yet again another Youtube critique/reaction video personality is being hit with successful copyright claims.

- Youtube Drama

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

British Youtube beef...Memelous calls out Jake Mitchell

Serial Youtuber-critic Memelous is at it again, this time calling out 'flexer' Jake Mitchell for his general cringy videos and overall image.
In this video, Memelous mostly laughs at his at attempts to make a music career as well as his cliched fashion sense which includes Gucci hats, man-bags and snap-backs. To complete the look, Mitchell often accompanies this on Instagram which even more cliches such as fire and 100 emojis.

For the most part however, Memelous focuses on the music side of things, where Mitchell claims to have made songs in a studio. This wouldn't be too odd but it seems that literally every Youtube personality is now getting in on the act and producing their own brand of mediocre-at-best music.

Calling him a wannabe 'English Jake Paul', Memelous goes in like usual on Mitchell who is yet to yet another hype-beast is called out for their contrived, over-hyped videos and stereotypical persona.

- Youtube Drama

H3H3 vs Ricegum beef continues...

Starting in early 2019, prominent Youtuber H3H3 took shots at Ricegum for promoting an online gambling service where users could spend real money to win real items online, by paying to open a digital box, where prizes could be won from a couple of dollars up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

This is not the first time loot crate-style gambling has been promoted by famous Youtube members and is a cause of controversy as these can entice young children into gambling, which could result in a lifetime of gambling addiction.

The original video (uploaded a few weeks back) also featured Jake Paul doing the same promotion, so it is not the first time that H3H3 has gone after either Youtuber for their schemes.

Anyway, whilst Jake Paul has not yet responded - Ricegum has which was quite typical as he seems to love controversy and the infamy it brings.

Replying in his own video, Ricegum mostly insulted H3's Hila Klein who he called 'monotone Monica', based on her lack of emotion in her voice. Overall the response felt a bit of a cheap shot but probably worked in terms of getting a response...which is what Ethan Klein has done just yesterday.

In the video he further addresses Ricegum's controversies as well as an ironic diss song which Ricegum is known for doing himself.

Overall the beef seems a bit petty, especially with insults being flung at a pregnant woman. Watch the video and make your own mind up.

- Youtube Drama

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Ace Family in sex shop scandal...WTF?

Two days back a Twitter video emerged which was creepy and inappropriate to say the least.

The father from the Youtube couple, "The Ace Family" - also known as Austin McBroom was shown in a video with what may have been his daughter in a sex-shop, where the child (around 5 years old) is seen with a phallic shaped, rainbow lollipop.

According to Youtube guru Keemstar, the child was actually his wife’s younger sister...which is still totally weird and bizarre and has since raised the question, why the hell would you take a young child into a sex shop? It is completely inappropriate and as of right now, the Ace Family have yet to respond to those questioning the video.

The clip was leaked on Twitter and probably won't be on Youtube due to it being against the websites violation policy. However, it can still probably be found on Twitter.

In 2019, it is well established that many Youtube stars are a bit odd and will seemingly do anything for views, but this is something more unusual and disgusting than usual. Hopefully The Ace video will comment, but often with celebrity Youtubers, scandals are too often swept under the rug and moved on with haste.

- Youtube Drama